Tag "árfigyelés"

Focus on dairy prices: The effects of price monitoring and market trends

The focus of the Government’s economic policy measures is on controlling the prices of basic foodstuffs, such as milk and dairy products. According to the Index’s analysis, retail chains are...

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Két lábbal az Ígéret földjén

Turcsán Tünde, a GfK FMCG-üzletág-igazgatója a Business Days harmadik napján elhangzott előadásában a kiskereskedelem aktuális helyzetét vázolva beszélt arról, mi módon tud a magát immár „ezer tüskével” védő vásárló családi...

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Government backs the creation of online price monitoring system

Csaba Balázs Rigó, president of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) has initiated the creation of a price watch system in the food sector. Minister for Economic Development Márton Nagy expressed...

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Márton Nagy consulted with the heads of the product councils

Today, Minister of Economic Development Márton Nagy received in his office the heads of major product councils representing the producers, processors and traders who produce the most important consumer products...

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