Tag "ananász"

This pineapple costs 400 USD, but is a huge success

As a result of more than a decade of development work, the American food company Del Monte presented the Rubyglow pineapple, whose characteristic ruby ​​red color gave it its name....

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Az ananász jegyében működik együtt a Pepsi és a Little Caesars pizzázólánc

A Pepsi Co. Inc. a Little Caesars pizzázólánccal együttműködve új lehetőséget nyújt az ananász szerelmeseinek kedvenc gyümölcsük fogyasztására: a vásárlóknak korlátozott ideig egy 4,7 dl-es Pepsi Pineapple italból és egy...

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Taste and sight – video of the day

A breathtaking way to grill pineapple!...

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Black Belt Master Pineapple Peeler – Video of the Day

It’s hard to follow what the Thai street vendor is doing, but of course you need the ripe pineapple…...

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Pineapple Factory – Video of the day

The best pineapple in the world is said to be Mexican!...

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Pineapple Flower – Video of the Day

An incredibly elegant, colorful bouquet of pineapples!...

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Pineapple Dance – Video of the Day

The pineapple harvesting team seen in today’s video looks very familiar and routine – watching them is an experience like the harvesters swinging their scythes at once in old movies....

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Penny To Introduce Traceable Pineapples And Organic Bananas

German discounter Penny has announced that it is to add QR codes to pineapples and organic bananas to provide additional supply chain information to shoppers. The QR codes will lead...

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