Tag "állattartás"

Subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also guaranteed in 2024

Subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also guaranteed in 2024; the government is contributing to the development of the agricultural economy with complex agrarian policy measures that strengthen financial and income...

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EP: 30 percent of habitats must be restored by 2030

At the plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted a proposal for a regulation according to which the member states must restore an increasing number of habitats in degraded...

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Brussels must further reduce the administrative burden on farmers

Hungary has put forward a total of 45 proposals to the Belgian Presidency of the EU in order to reduce the administrative burdens of farmers, the strict regulations and the...

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The European Commission would simplify the obligations and administrative burdens of farmers

The European Commission is proposing a number of short- and medium-term measures to reduce the administrative burden on EU farmers, the Brussels body informed on Thursday. Among other things, the...

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NAK joined the call sent to the EU by EU agricultural interest representatives

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has joined the Copa-Cogeca open letter, in which the EU’s agricultural producers and cooperatives are asking the president of the European Commission to...

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NAK organizes a series of professional events for farmers entitled Real animal welfare

The National Chamber of Agriculture is launching a series of events under the title “Real animal welfare”, the aim of which is to provide farmers with knowledge that will help...

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Hungary’s EU presidency: soil protection is the basis of everything

Our country stands by the basic principle that the food coming into the Union must comply with the same rules and regulations that the EU imposes on its own producers...

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Our country is preparing full steam ahead for the EU presidency

The issue of artificial meat, the fight against food waste and animal welfare topics are also on the agenda of our country’s EU president, which István Nagy discussed in his...

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33,000 farmers have already received payments this year

In connection with last year’s unified applications, the Hungarian Treasury has already paid HUF 42 billion to more than 33 thousand farmers this year, stated Lajosmizsén Lajosmizsén, Zsolt Feldman, State...

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According to Giorgia Meloni, the European Parliament elections will bring a change in agricultural policy

With the European Parliament elections, there will be a turning point in the Community’s agricultural policy, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced on Monday evening, after meeting with the delegations...

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The price of chicken breast fillets decreased by 19 percent

Based on data from the KSH, Hungary’s poultry meat exports increased by 2 percent to 200,000 tons between January and November 2023 compared to the same period of the previous...

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The conditions for ewe support will become more favorable

This year, the conditions for subsidizing production-bound ewes will become more favorable with the first amendment to Hungary’s KAP Strategic Plan. It is important to inform farmers about the two...

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The agricultural chambers of six countries jointly call on Brussels: end the impossibility of European farmers!

In addition to the Hungarian National Chamber of Agriculture, the agricultural chambers of five other countries strongly warn the decision-makers of the European Union not to destroy Europe’s agriculture. The...

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The Hungarian meat industry faces a great opportunity

In addition to plant growers, animal breeders must also be put in a position, because in the Hungarian food industry, the greatest profit can be achieved with highly processed and...

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Tenders are open for the support of consulting services

The Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP), which contains the domestic support sources that can be used until 2027, also offers exploitable opportunities for professional organizations operating in...

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There is no future without farmers! Producers demonstrating in Záhony demanded the introduction of an immediate import ban on Ukrainian goods from Brussels

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Unions and Farmers’ Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), domestic producers held a farmers’ demonstration at the border crossing in...

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ÖK’s research project helps protect wildlife from the harmful environmental effects of ivermectin

Grazed animals are treated with anthelmintics, which, if released into the wild, pose a threat to the local insect and bird life. The ecologists of the HUN-REN Ecological Research Center (HUN-REN...

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Historical subsidies help agriculture

Last year, we set a new record, as the amount of agricultural subsidies successfully applied for and paid out exceeded HUF 1,300 billion in total – Minister of Agriculture István...

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The French government lifts the ban on plant protection products and reduces the tax burden on farmers by 150 million euros

On Thursday, French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced a series of detailed measures to reduce the burdens of the increasingly large number of protesting farmers, among other things, it would...

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A new pig farm was established in Dombegyháza

With an investment of HUF four billion, Agrosztár Kft. established a new pig farm in Dombegyháza in Békés County, the company’s managing director informed MTI on Friday. Balázs Dorcsinecz said...

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Spanish farmers are preparing for demonstrations

Following several European countries, Spanish farmers are also preparing for demonstrations, after the three largest Spanish farmers’ organizations agreed on the movements on Tuesday. According to the joint announcement of...

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Half of Europe is paralyzed under the pressure of farmers

Within the European Union, farmers have mobilized in several countries to protest against the difficulties experienced in the agricultural sector. In Belgium, France and Italy, roads were also blocked with tractors,...

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Exports of live pigs and pork also decreased

According to data from the European Commission, in January-October 2023, the European Union sold 20 percent less (3.5 million tons) of fresh, frozen and processed pork on the international market...

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More improvements to the eGN system

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informs users that the new version of the eGN system went live on January 26. The newly released version of the program fixes...

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An insulated hall was created at the premises of Állatház Kft. in Alsótold

An isolation hall was set up at the site of Állatház Kft., which deals with the testing of animal medicines, in Alsótold, Nógrád County; for the investment with a total budget...

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Ursula von der Leyen: the agri-food industry needs a long-term perspective

 The agri-food industry in Europe needs a long-term perspective and predictable development, which is why the European Union is launching a strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture, said Ursula...

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MAGOSZ and NAK negotiated with the largest Italian agricultural interest representation

The leadership of Coldiretti, the largest Italian agricultural interest representation, was received by István Jakab, president of MAGOSZ, and Balázs Győrffy, president of the National Chamber of Agriculture. According to Ettore...

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The agricultural support system provides significant help for adaptation

In today’s economic and market conditions, in order for farmers to stay afloat, they must choose some adaptation strategy. The Hungarian agricultural support system provides significant help for this – stated...

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Development is a condition for competitiveness in agriculture

Competitiveness in agriculture is development, so the producer who wants to stay on the market in the long term must think about investments – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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Agricultural tenders will be published continuously until the end of the year

 The market challenges caused by the drought, wartime inflation and duty-free Ukrainian products have created extraordinary conditions in agriculture, therefore we will open up the use of agricultural and rural...

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