Tag "alapélelmiszer"

Targeted subsidies help domestic potato cultivation

It is a priority to ensure that domestic potato production is competitive and that farmers have an adequate commodity base – said Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of...

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Hungarian milk production has reached the forefront of Europe

Domestic milk production reached the forefront of Europe by renewing the technological background;based on sales and employment, the dairy industry is one of the largest and increasingly important sectors of...

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In Romania, the prime minister announced the extension of the margin limit for staple foods

In Romania, the effect of the decree limiting the margin applicable to staple foods, which entered into force on August 1, 2023, will be extended by another two months, which...

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The Romanian government adopted a decree aimed at limiting the price of basic foodstuffs

In Romania, the government adopted an emergency decree on Friday in order to limit the prices of 17 staple foods. The legislation limits the permissible margin applied by processors and...

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