Tag "AI"

The European Union’s regulation on artificial intelligence has been announced

Today, the EU Regulation on Artificial Intelligence (“AI Regulation”) was announced, the world’s first truly comprehensive, sector-neutral piece of legislation related to artificial intelligence (“AI”). The new legislation covers all...

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Rewe opens Europe’s largest autonomous supermarket

Rewe has opened Europe’s largest autonomous supermarket in Hamburg. Its surface area of 1,200 sqm is enough to regain the record from rival Netto. Four check-out systems The German supermarket chain...

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AI could be the key to a summer break for sole proprietorships

Today, 620,000 registered sole proprietors in Hungary are wondering how they can relax for at least one, but rather two weeks during the summer. The solution is not impossible, but...

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Hungary’s first AI-powered restaurant assistant

Nine out of 10 diners tend to research online before visiting a restaurant in person, but the information available on social networking sites is limited. This article is available for...

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KPMG: AI is no longer just knocking on the door, it has knocked it down

The experts of KPMG Hungary, which is 35 years old this year, summarized the digital trends of the future and how companies can successfully connect to them in connection with...

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PepsiCo experiments with Smart Cans, AI tech to improve personalization

PepsiCo this year used Cannes Lion to preview new experiments that meld marketing, design and technology, with a focus on leveling up personalization. The marketer showed off a new AI...

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More and more thoughtful AI developments are taking place

Az innovációban élenjáró és a digitális átállást kiemelten kezelő cégeknél terjed leginkább a mesterséges intelligencia alkalmazása – derül ki a K&H innovációs index kutatás 2024 első félévi adataiból. Az AI...

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Amazon has joined the $2 trillion club

Amazon on Wednesday joined the small group of companies with a market value of more than $2 trillion. The e-commerce giant joins Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia and Alphabet, which owns Google,...

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EY: More and more domestic companies are using artificial intelligence, the gap between companies is growing

Nearly two-thirds of domestic companies are already using or thinking about introducing artificial intelligence (AI), while 29 percent have not yet dealt with the field in any meaningful way –...

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AI already pays attention to feelings in customer communication

Japanese tech giant SoftBank has embarked on a new project based on voice-modifying artificial intelligence to filter out angry tones from customer phone calls. The project, described by the Financial...

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K&H: an exemplary alliance in the field of artificial intelligence development

The research cooperation agreement signed today by the representatives of the University of Szeged and the K&H Group aims at a more thorough understanding of the functioning of natural human...

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Speciesism in AI could hinder animal welfare reforms and the shift to plant-based diet

Speciesism is a strengthening concept in animal ethics that claims a moral advantage for members of the human species. According to Food Ingredients First, animal rights groups are concerned about...

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Great past and great future for Rossmann

Rossmann celebrated its 30th anniversary last year, opening its 250th drugstore. László Flórián, managing director of Rossmann Magyarország Kft. talked to our magazine: “At the level of numbers everyone made progress in...

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New crops may conquer farmland

Sweden’s OlsAro, a start-up developing crop varieties resistant to environmental stressors, plans to launch a salt-tolerant wheat variety in the near future. This article is available for reading in Trade...

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The number of Hungarian businesses is decreasing

The number of Hungarian businesses is decreasing, i.e. terminations and liquidations exceed the number of newly founded companies, which may be due to insufficiently careful business planning or even inefficient...

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Coffee blends made with AI in Finland

An artisan roastery in the Finnish capital has launched a coffee blend developed using AI. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 The company hopes the technology...

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AI in the beauty industry: L’Oréal brings the future with bioprinted skin, GenAI content lab and AI assistant

At Viva Tech, L’Oréal presented a remarkable bioprinted skin technology that could completely change the way products are tested in the future. In addition, the company created an AI-based lab...

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Germany’s Biomarkt partners with AI app

In April Biomarkt Verbund, the association of independent health food stores started a nationwide cooperation with diet planning app Choosy. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7...

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EN-CO Software develops quality control technology based on artificial intelligence

EN-CO Software Zrt. has received HUF 420,430,500 in non-refundable funding from the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH) tender, from which it is developing quality control technology based on...

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KPMG: Audit is moving from digital to the era of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is starting a real revolution in the field of financial reporting and auditing. Almost three-quarters of companies already use this to some extent to prepare their financial reports,...

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In Hungary, more than 50% of HR experts support the use of artificial intelligence

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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AI is already knocking on the kitchen door: SmartThings as the driving force of the 21st century household

Among other things, new-generation Samsung household appliances can reinterpret the concept of the kitchen with the help of artificial intelligence. Thanks to AI options and SmartThings functions, many of our...

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Digital strategist: the data-based economic model can bring Hungary a real breakthrough

We have been talking about the term “paperless” office for almost 5 decades, and especially since the pandemic, companies have been digitizing at a crazy pace so that they can...

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We spend carefully: 43% of consumers fear that their financial situation will deteriorate

Although concerns about the cost of living have eased, consumers remain confident that the price of consumer staples will moderate. The ever-increasing inflationary pressure not only rearranges consumer trends, but...

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The world’s largest industrial tomato processors are meeting in Budapest

The biggest players in the global industrial tomato processing and production sector have arrived in Budapest for the 15th World Congress and 17th Symposium of the World Industrial Tomato Council...

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Innovation Day for the fourth time this year

This year’s Innovation Day event and the awards ceremony of the Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2024 competition was organised at Hungexpo on 16 May. This article is...

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Tesco leverages artificial intelligence for loyalty

The British market leader Tesco and German discount challenger Lidl have entered an intense battle about customer loyalty in Great Britain. A new Clubcard initiative supported by artificial intelligence aims...

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SAP equips all its cloud products with AI capabilities and builds cooperation with leading AI companies

SAP’s annual conference is traditionally attended by a lot of attention, where the market leader in business software used to announce its latest developments and latest collaborations. At the SAP...

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Data and AI write the future together, but we just don’t trust them: only 20 percent of managers make decisions based on data

Almost all of our activities have become faster and more efficient thanks to the technological revolution taking place before our eyes, but along with the brave new world has come...

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Innovations – more nuanced ways and preferences

With a record annual inflation rate of 17.6% measured by the Central Statistical Office (KSH), it is understandable that the appeal of private label (PL) products has continued to grow....

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