Tag "agrárvállalkozás"

The irrigation plant of Talentis Agro Zrt., built with 1.7 billion forints, was handed over

The government will give farmers all the help they need to adapt to the challenges of climate change and to increase the cultivation of crops with greater added value –...

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MBH Bank: Almost half of the agricultural enterprises rely on EU grant funds

Hungarian agriculture and the food industry are characterized by an optimistic mood with the launch of the European Union’s Rural Development Program, according to MBH Bank’s public opinion survey examining...

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Agriculture can meet the challenges through the farming community

With the persistence, knowledge and efforts of the Hungarian farming community, the Hungarian agriculture and food industry can meet the challenges before it and find the answers that can ensure...

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MBH: Hungarian agriculture can expect a calmer year than last year

The agriculture and the food industry can expect a calmer year this year than in 2023, mainly the prospects of livestock keepers have improved, a more balanced period in agriculture...

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Tenders are open for the support of consulting services

The Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP), which contains the domestic support sources that can be used until 2027, also offers exploitable opportunities for professional organizations operating in...

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Kavosz: the Agricultural Enterprise Credit Guarantee Foundation reduces its guarantee fees

The Agrár-Vállalkozasi Hitelgarancia Alapítvány (AVHGA) will significantly reduce the guarantee fees for agricultural loans in the Széchenyi Card Program, so that agricultural enterprises will also get cheaper loans from the...

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The pre-tax profit of agricultural social enterprises increased by one and a half times in 2022

The pre-tax profit of agricultural cooperatives with double-entry bookkeeping increased by about one and a half times (!), from HUF 238.6 billion to HUF 355.4 billion in 2022. The significant (HUF...

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The sale of agricultural machinery decreased, while the turnover of spare parts increased

Individual farms and cooperatives bought HUF 226.5 billion worth of new agricultural machinery and equipment in the period January-September 2023, which was 16 percent less than the turnover of a...

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K&H: agricultural companies’ desire to innovate has broken

Over the past year, agricultural companies have strongly scaled back their innovation developments, according to K&H’s innovation research, the summary of which was sent to MTI on Wednesday. More than...

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GFM: the new Agrár Széchenyi Card MAX+ is extremely popular and enjoys enormous interest

Agriculture is a particularly important sector in the difficult economic situation affected by the war and sanctions, both from the point of view of the national economy and food security,...

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The government spends several thousand billion forints on the development of agriculture

The Hungarian government provides 80 percent additional national funding in addition to the EU development resources for rural development, until 2027, as part of the second pillar of the common...

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Interest-subsidized working capital loan for grain processing enterprises

State-subsidized working capital loans are also available for enterprises involved in grain processing, among the agricultural loan programs operated by Magyar Fejlsztési Bank (MFB Zrt.), stated Zsolt Feldman, the state...

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In 2022, 98 percent of damage mitigation benefits were spent on drought damage

In 2022, agricultural producers were faced with an unprecedented level of drought, which posed significant challenges to the risk management system. As a result of the particularly dry weather this year,...

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The Agrár Széchenyi Card MAX+ is available with an interest rate of five percent

The recently launched Agrár Széchenyi Kártya MAX+ overdraft facility is a huge help for Hungarian agriculture in bridging the market difficulties caused by the Ukrainian grain crisis, announced Zsolt Feldman,...

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The interest rate on the Agrár Széchenyi Card is decreasing

Based on the government decree published on Friday night, the interest rate on the Agrár Széchenyi Card Current Account will be reduced. In the case of current account credit lines of...

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KSH: 196,000 agricultural farms operate in Hungary

This year, compared to 2020, the number of farms engaged in agricultural activities decreased by 19 percent to 196,000, the head of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said at a...

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Delivering domestic agricultural products abroad is a joint task

Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, gave information on the situation of Hungarian agriculture, the results of agricultural foreign trade and international cooperation, future ideas, and set...

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Farmers will receive further financial assistance

In order to deal with the grain crisis in Ukraine caused by the war, the government has decided on a new interest subsidy program, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced...

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Máté Lóga: another help for agricultural enterprises

In the difficult economic situation affected by war and sanctions, agriculture is a particularly important sector both from the point of view of the national economy and food security, and...

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AKI: the price of several fertilizers fell significantly

Although overall, fertilizer is still more expensive than a year ago, the price of some products already fell to last year’s level in the first quarter – read the summary...

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A new energetic approach is also needed in agriculture

Energy problems are also a serious challenge for those active in agriculture and the food industry. The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) wanted to help its members in this...

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In Italy, due to the drought, a national water use plan came into force

The Roman government appointed a government commissioner to deal with the extraordinary drought situation, and implemented a national plan to regulate water use following Wednesday’s summit on the drought. For...

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AM State Secretary: competitiveness and greening are the goals of the government’s agricultural policy

The government’s goal is to support the competitiveness of producers in accordance with the conditions of the expected EU greening agricultural policy – said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible...

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K&H agricultural research: the sector is receptive to innovation and digital development

The agricultural sector is receptive to innovation and digital development, but at the same time, farmers tend to be more cautious when it comes to application, K&H told MTI on...

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Ministry of Agriculture: autumn works should be planned according to the new rules

As of this fall, it will be possible to farm according to the new rules, in accordance with the growing EU green expectations, but within the framework of the agricultural...

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By 2025, it will be unthinkable to have an agribusiness without a drone

In addition to the construction, law enforcement and security areas, drones are now becoming increasingly popular in agriculture. The trend is illustrated by the fact that while it is estimated...

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