Tag "agrárminisztérium"

The Hungarian food industry receives seven hundred and fifty billion forints in support

The food industry is one of the largest manufacturing sectors in Hungary, which could receive a huge boost in the next seven years. The Ministry has prepared a serious development...

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AM Secretary of State: Hungarian food industry must be strengthened

In terms of processed products (cheeses, hams, yoghurts, fruit jams), the proportion of Hungarian products in stores fell the most, in order to address the situation, the Hungarian food industry...

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AM: the framework for the Digital Food Strategy was presented

The food industry is one of the largest manufacturing sectors in Hungary with continuously improving profitability, and the sector was able to grow even during the coronavirus pandemic, which can...

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The Ministry of Agriculture puts the operation of non-state laboratories on a uniform basis

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) regulates the conditions for the licensing, registration and operation of non-governmental laboratories in a separate decree – AM informed MTI. The new regulation also imposes...

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Almost 3,000 billion HUF for rural development for this and next year

During the transition period, this year and next, almost 3,000 billion HUF will be available for rural development from EU funds, with budget co-financing – the Deputy State Secretary of...

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AM: sheep meat consumption should be increased

In order to provide consumers with more thorough information, increase consumption and support Hungarian processors, the country of origin must be marked on the board of sheep and goat meat...

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AM aims to make the most of natural resources

The aim of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) is to make the most of the opportunities provided by natural resources in Hungary and to use renewable energy sources in a...

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AM: tender opportunity for modernization of livestock farms for epidemiological control

The tender for the epidemiological modernization of livestock farms will be re-opened for pig and poultry farmers from 26 April 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI on Friday....

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AM: German agricultural relations will be strengthened further

For Hungary, Germany is a key partner in the exchange of agricultural goods and in the European Union’s common agricultural and environmental policies, the Minister of Agriculture said in a...

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The deadline for submitting animal welfare payments in the dairy sector expires

The deadline for dairy farms to apply for an extension of the commitment period expires on 22 February 2021 – the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) told MTI on Wednesday. According...

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AM: agricultural insurance is essential for responsible farming

With the development of the agricultural risk management system and the exemplary cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) and agricultural insurers for more than nine years, producer self-sufficiency is...

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Minister of Agriculture: 1,500 billion HUF tender for farmers this year

Tenders worth about 1,500 billion HUF will be announced for farmers and the food industry this year in order to strengthen the countryside and increase its competitiveness, as well as...

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The countryside can develop through good examples

Increasing the productivity of the food economy is a key issue for which it is absolutely necessary to support digitization and the application of the latest technologies – Erdős Norbert,...

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The Institute of Agricultural Economics continues its professional work in a renewed form

Tradition and modernity: the Institute of Agricultural Economics continues its unique professional activity based on decades of tradition in a renewed form. The renewed AKI combines decades of outstanding professional...

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If carnival, then pork!

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the National Association of Mangalica Breeders (MOE) are promoting the consumption of pork this year again. The aim of...

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Nagy István: 930 million HUF for the Hungaricum tender this year

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture will also announce the hungaricum tender, with a budget of 930 million HUF – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at a press conference...

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The Ministry of Agriculture is planning a comprehensive food industry development system

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) has launched a series of online consultations with the sector’s interest and professional organizations in order to announce food subsidies in line with the needs...

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Hungary is urging the EU to take immediate action in the pig sector

At a video conference of the European Union’s agriculture and fisheries ministers on 25 January, Hungary urged urgent measures to improve the situation in the pig sector. At the request...

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AM: a joint statement was concluded at the 13th World Forum on Food and Agriculture

The 13th World Food and Agriculture Forum (GFFA), with the participation of ninety countries, concluded a joint statement. In the work which Hungary also took an active role, the Ministry...

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AM is constantly creating irrigation communities

The number of irrigation communities is constantly expanding: by the end of last year, 25 people had been recognized for their operation, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) told MTI. With...

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The winter seasonal inspection was effective

Compared to previous years, the 2020 winter seasonal food chain inspection ended with improved results, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI. According to the announcement, Erdős Norbert, State Secretary...

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AM: the winner of the Eco-label – eco-friendly product competition has announced

The “Eco-label – eco-friendly product” high school competition ended with great success, the organizers also awarded three special prizes – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI. According to their...

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Ministry of Agriculture: sufficient wine was placed in the cellars

Sufficient grapes have been harvested this year to meet wine needs. Supply and demand are in balance – Tarpataki Tamás, Deputy State Secretary for Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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A campaign has been launched to promote the consumption of pork

As the holidays approached, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the Interprofessional Organization and Product Council for Slaughter and Meat (VHT) launched a campaign to...

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Magazine: Business Days 2020 – Our conference wasn’t cancelled…

Even the coronavirius couldn’t beat our Business Days conference, which we organised together with the Chain Bridge Club in September. Thanks to the strict health protection protocol, the nearly 550...

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Secretary of State for Investment will contribute to the development of agriculture

Not only has survived, but despite the difficult year this year, the agricultural and food economies have strengthened and even steps have been taken through investments and regulatory systems that...

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AM: This year’s corn yield is a historical record

Maize yields in 2020 are a historic record, an increase of more than 14 percent from the average of the past five years – Feldman Zsolt, secretary of state for...

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AM extends the commitment period of several rural development calls by one year

Due to the length of the legislative procedure for the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM extended the commitment period of three calls for proposals by...

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Magazine: Nothing can stop quality and value from becoming increasingly important

In 2020, the Value and Quality Grand Prix Competition was organised by DIAMOND Szervezőiroda Bt., Hajnal Húskombinát Kft., Legrand Magyarország Villamossági Rendszerek Zrt., Poli-Farbe Vegyipari Kft., ProfessionCert Kft. and Szám-Pont...

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AM: The Parliament accepted the bill on family farms

Favorable tax conditions, decreasing administrative burdens and an operating environment in line with 21st century expectations are provided for primary producers by the law on family farms adopted by the...

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