Tag "agrárminisztérium"

AM: cultivating home gardens is a useful and value-creating activity

Home gardens are important in the production of quality food, they play an outstanding role in food safety and the production of healthy and high-quality food – said Sándor Farkas,...

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AM: you can apply for the development of smaller processing plants from August 13

The Ministry of Agriculture announced the call for “Support for the development of processing plants” with 50 billion forints, in the framework of which it supports smaller investments related to...

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CSAOSZ conference: reducing food loss via sustainable packaging

The National Association of Packaging and Materials Handling (CSAOSZ) has been the first in Central Europe to organise an international conference on the role of sustainable packaging in preventing food...

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Domestic ecotourism is developing

The national parks are now the biggest custodians of domestic ecotourism – stated the State Secretary responsible for nature conservation of the Ministry of Agriculture at the opening of the...

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Innovation Day for the fourth time this year

This year’s Innovation Day event and the awards ceremony of the Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2024 competition was organised at Hungexpo on 16 May. This article is...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 was successful in every respect

This year’s SIRHA Budapest was a big success. HUNGEXPO welcomed the most important representatives of the Hungarian and the regional gastronomy sector for the sixth time. On 30,000m² more than...

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Dr Beáta Olga Felkai: “One of the Hungarian presidency’s priority topics will be the fight against food loss and waste”

Dr Beáta Olga Felkai, deputy state secretary for food chain supervision and trade policy at the Ministry of Agriculture has given us an insight into the challenges, government responses and...

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FoodTechShow: investing is a must

On 9-10 April the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organised its FoodTechShow at Millenáris. More than 60 exhibitors showcased nearly 150 innovative technologies and machinery for the representatives of the...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the Hungarian food industry is developing based on good European examples

After the decline following the regime change, the domestic food industry must be strengthened again. The government will allocate 750 billion forints of the approximately 1,500 billion forints in tender...

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Nébih experts examined the cheapest foods

In order to protect consumers, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) checked the cheapest food products of the Price Monitoring System. During the first target inspection focusing on staple...

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Animal husbandry has and will continue to play a decisive role in agriculture

 The Ministry of Agriculture is committed to helping the sector in the future as well, Hungarian livestock breeders and livestock keepers have the largest number of support titles available in...

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The new horticulture and food industry investment tender calls can be reviewed

Based on the Strategic Plan of Hungary’s Common Agrarian Policy (KAP), the social consultation of the new rural development investment tenders has begun – announced Zsolt Feldman, State Secretary for...

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The Food Rescue Center helps families in need for the second time

Members of the Hungarian National Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired, hundreds of needy families across the country will receive the food packages whose contents were offered by domestic...

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Sustainability in food safety is a growing challenge

The Ministry of Agriculture gives priority to the relationship between food packaging and sustainability, because we have a responsibility to the younger generation – said Dr. Beáta Olga Felkai, Deputy...

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Money taps are to be turned on in horticulture

For the ninth time, on 29 February horticulturist met to discuss the latest issues affecting the sector at the Zsendülés conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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Hungarian winemakers across the border can also count on the support of the mother country

The Ministry of Agriculture pays special attention to the development of the historic Hungarian wine regions and to the support of the community of Hungarian winemakers abroad, stated István Nagy,...

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Márton Nobilis: the food industry is an important strategic sector

The food industry is an important strategic sector, which also determines the sovereignty of a country – said Márton Nobilis, the State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade...

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An improving trend – this year, the winter seasonal inspection revealed fewer irregularities

More than 1,300 inspections were carried out by food chain inspectors during the winter seasonal inspection series in December. In connection with the action, the State Secretary of the Ministry...

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Future in the present

For the third time in November, METRO Gastro Academy was the host of the Plant-Powered Perspectives business conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 This year...

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The Ministry of Agriculture draws attention to conscious shopping and food safety

The Deputy Secretary of State responsible for food chain supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) called attention to conscious shopping during the holidays and the observance of food safety...

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Márton Nobilis: the safety of the food industry strengthens the country’s sovereignty

The safety of the food industry strengthens the country’s sovereignty, there is no good food industry without good food safety, said the Secretary of State responsible for the food industry...

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István Nagy: we currently have 89 Hungarikums, which we are proud of

When the value and identity crisis rages again in the world, we are proud of our life-giving traditions, our Christian roots that give us our identity, our culture that feeds...

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Élelmiszermentő Központ Nonprofit Kft. has launched an Advent charity food collection campaign

The Food Rescue Center Nonprofit Kft. (ÉMK) has launched an Advent charity food collection campaign with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, the offers of the companies are expected...

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AM: Tovább kell növelni a szójatermesztést, cél ebből is az önellátás

A magyar gazdák agrártámogatásai a 2027-ig tartó időszakban is biztosítottak – szögezte le Farkas Sándor a „Margitta-sziget 92” Kft. és a Magyar Szója és Fehérjenövény Egyesület Szója Roadshowjának homorúdi állomásán Baranyában....

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Magyarország cukrászati értékei

A Magyar Cukrász Ipartestület az Agrárminisztérium Hungarikum Bizottsága által kiírt pályázati támogatása segítségével látványos és tartalmas könyvet adott ki. A szakmai kiadvány cukrászati értékeink bemutatását tűzte ki céljául, hangsúlyosan hagyományainkra...

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GFM: the new Agrár Széchenyi Card MAX+ is extremely popular and enjoys enormous interest

Agriculture is a particularly important sector in the difficult economic situation affected by the war and sanctions, both from the point of view of the national economy and food security,...

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AM: We continue to support raising the standard of living in rural areas

Our goal is to create high-quality projects in the period ahead, which will continue to promote prosperity in the countryside, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the LEADER national...

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This year’s rules must also be followed in 2024 when uploading the Business Diary electronically

The Ministry of Agriculture informs the affected farmers that this year’s rules will be the governing rules for maintaining and uploading the electronic Farming Diary in 2024, i.e. it will...

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AM: more conscious management is the future of field crop production

In arable crop cultivation, it is important to differentiate the production structure, grow more specialized marketable varieties, it is necessary to manage input materials more consciously, and in less favorable...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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