Tag "A nap képe"

Food and drink test for film-lovers – Picture of the day

Italian internet artist Frederico Rossi’s photo series depicts food and drinks that appeared in various Hollywood blockbusters. It’s not bad for a game to try to figure out the solutions,...

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Stylized Bordeaux wine bottle – Picture of the day

If a few days ago we were a little sour about the idea of beer in bags, we like the wine packaging in bags with a great design: the creative...

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Beer in a bag – Picture of the day

We have reservations about this type of beer packaging, but since in some places in the eastern half of the world draft beer is brought home in a Skála bag...

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Walls in front of the guests – Picture of the day

Catering gems of vertical serving....

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Good for the party, good for the sponsor – Picture of the day

A very clever promotional tool from Heineken!...

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Eat yourself to be more muscular! – Picture of the day

Eating makes you thinner, we could say, and this time we don’t mean eating so-called negative calorie foods: the Dumbbell sports equipment company welded the fork and knife onto one-kilogram...

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Take it and advertise it – Picture of the day

The bottle holders shown in today’s pictures are creative and witty, although we would like to test whether they obey Murphy’s laws before using them. If they work, they can...

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Symmetrical breakfasts – Picture of the day

We like symmetry and we don’t like to eat alone. This is somehow the case with Michael Zee, who took a photo of a beautifully successful breakfast he prepared for...

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The restaurant and foreign guests – Picture of the day

Phil’s Fish Market, a sea urchin restaurant in Moss Landing, California, is not only known for its gastronomy: the media has made a lot of attention to their “custom” of...

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A well-balanced diet – Picture of the day

If I want, it’s art, if I want philosophical humor (with English jokes!) Pizza Margherita, apple pie, minestrone and smoked salmon are the creations of a stylist, Elena Mora, and...

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An edible rainbow – Picture of the day

One of the principles of Chinese cuisine is that not only the flavors should be in harmony on the plate, but also the colors. We don’t show our readers our...

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Everyday people in the kitchen, being highly creative – Picture of the day

A good spot to be creative:...

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Starbucks? Stars Coffee? Starbung is the star! – Picture of the day

Local entrepreneurs installing Starbucks and McDonald’s did not use the visual elements of the store chain’s logo in the same way – Uncle Ványa seems more creative than Stars Caffee....

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A slice of bacon in my book – Picture of the day

We don’t know where the use of Japanese bookmarks shaping food will lead our associations, will we think of fried eggs from now on, say, Örkény, or fried eggs about...

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(HU) Vésztartalék a retikülben – A nap képe

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Information or advertising idea? – The picture of the day

The owner must have been asked many times…...

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But who gets the discount? – The picture of the day

A Scandinavian hotel hotel has redesigned its family-vacation-type special offer in a new way: adults get the discount. The idea is original, the visual presentation of the message is witty....

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(HU) Ha Covid, akkor plusz asztalok – A nap képe

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The world’s ugliest salt shaker – Picture of the day

Shark attack is the “artistic name” of the pair of salt and pepper shakers – I’m sure there are people who display it on their dining table, but to us,...

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Modern packaging of traditional food – Picture of the day

The most authentic packaging for sushi is certainly the bento box, but it would be difficult to win packaging design competitions with it. Let’s put the food in very 21st...

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What does Benjamin Button drink? – The picture of the day

Or Jack Sparrow? Maybe James Bond? We recommend a little summer bug hunting for fans of American movies who can enjoy the fact that their heroes always consistently drink the...

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Food and cola pairing – Picture of the day

Pepsi’s promotional campaign, Better with Pepsi, suggests that Pepsi Cola is a good pairing for various foods. The campaign was really rich with visual elements: on the sub-boxes, cheerful, caricature-like...

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Guerrilla beer marketing – Picture of the day

It happened at Perth airport in Australia that a can of beer, an Emu Export Lager, appeared on the baggage conveyor belt. Bystanders immediately started taking pictures of the shocking,...

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A nap levese! – A nap képe

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(HU) A kávéfőző, mint önkifejezési forma – A nap képe

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(HU) Ilyenek voltunk hat és fél évtizede – A nap képe

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(HU) Hogyan válasszunk darálthúst az élelmiszerüzletben – A nap képe

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(HU) Nagyon japán kombó – A nap képe

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(HU) Hová vezetnek a genetikai módosítások – A nap képe

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(HU) Kávéspohár-diorámák – A nap képe

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