Shop Network of Magosz offers social bakery and home-made milk

By: trademagazin Date: 2009. 07. 30. 00:07

Even social bread and social roll have appeared on the food shelves of the social shops selling food shelves. Some stores operate home-made milk machine as well.

In the social shops 1 kilogram of bread costs 100 HUF, one roll is 12 HUF. Home-made milk machines were placed in service in 10 shops and more is planned.
The Magosz mainly focuses on the development of businesses in Budapest. Social shops opens, one after another in the countryside. The management of the network with 60 shops promises that new shops will be opened in Makó Hódmezővásárhely, Nyíregyháza, Pécs and Szeged – reports Origo.

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