Uber Eats turns couriers into personal shoppers

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 06. 26. 09:41

Uber Eats is determined to capture a bigger share of the grocery delivery market. Customers will soon be able to interact with couriers in real time, as they walk through the shop.

Grocery delivery already represents 14 % of Uber Eats’ revenue, and the number of orders has doubled in the past two years. The delivery platform sees great potential in the service and has therefore developed some new features in the app, which it unveiled at a press event in London. The new features should significantly improve service levels and turn couriers into real personal shoppers, Retail Detail reported.

The “Courier Pick and Pack” functionality connects consumers with the Uber Eats courier that goes to the supermarket for them, picks up their order and delivers it to their home. Meanwhile, customers can still modify their shopping list in real time and even talk to the couriers as they walk among the shop shelves, for instance to find a suitable alternative if a product turns out to be out of stock. The courier can also forward photos for checking.

The delivery company has already introduced the new services in the United States and is now bringing them to Europe. The United Kingdom is served first, but other countries will follow.

“This is going to change the way people do grocery shopping“, RetailWeek quoted Susan Anderson, Head of Uber Eats Retail & Grocery.

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