METRO starts the introduction of GS1 DataBar
In order to fully comply with tracking legislation, to improve internal processes and to serve customers in a 21st-century fashion, METRO Hungary starts using the new barcode type, called GS1 DataBar, already this year. Fresh and ultra fresh products such as meat are included in the first round of the launch, which are later followed by more food products in several stages. With the help of the new barcode on the products, more supply process supporting and tracking data are transmitted to the cash registers and printed on the receipts. By using a well-designed fresh product tracking system stores can reduce the amount of manual stock taking and goods movement work significantly, making processes faster and more efficient. The GS1 DataBar symbol is the first barcode type that – similarly to the GS1-128 symbol already used in logistics – in addition to the GTIN number is also capable of displaying more data and can be scanned at cash registers too. METRO Hungary’s gradual introduction of the GS1 DataBar is assisted by GS1 Hungary: the two companies keep suppliers informed with various publications, events and training programmes. Market leading Bizerba Mérleg Hungária Kft. helps its partner, METRO Hungary, in the field of preparation. (x)
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