Many catering establishments sabotage card payments

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 21. 10:43

The case of a cafe in Budapest raises the debate about card acceptance once again: the owner of the cafe charges a surcharge of HUF 60 to those who want to pay with a bank card for their coffee, which otherwise costs HUF 420. This practice, although it seems commonplace, is against the rules, as we cannot transfer card transaction fees directly to the consumer. The correct practice would be to link the discount to cash payment, so the coffee would be offered for HUF 480 and a HUF 60 discount would be provided to those paying in cash.

Recently, resistance to card acceptance seems to be growing again, especially in small shops where transaction fees can impose a significant burden on businesses. According to the law, merchants cannot refuse card payments below a certain amount and cannot charge extra fees for it. Nevertheless, in more and more places we can come across invitations that prefer cash payment.

Since the introduction of the obligation to accept cards, several challenges have arisen in practice. For example, also in the case of the downtown restaurant popular with tourists, where “Only cash payment is possible!” sign warns guests. Such practices carry significant legal risks, including breach of contract, which may affect the relationship between POS terminal service financial institutions and stores, G7 reports.

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