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RECOMPLEX has exceeded the European Union's prescriptions on waste recycling
RECOMPLEX, the Association of Coordinating Organizations for waste recovery successfully closed its first year of activity. Thanks to the efficiency of Recomplex's members, the association which is unique in whole Europe, has not only met the 2010 European Union targets on selective waste collection and recycling as prescribed for Hungary, but even exceeded the obligatory rates for all types of materials by an 13% average.
The RECOMPLEX Association of Coordinating Organizations consists of eight (8) independent organizations coordinating and specialising in the recovery, recycling and neutralisation of waste generated by: packaging materials, accumulators and batteries, pesticides, used vehicle tyres, expired drugs (medicine) and drug packaging as well as waste generated by electronic and electric devices. In 2010 RECOMPLEX, selectively collected and therefore recovered and recycled 390.501 tonnes of waste. This result show that even along with the slow pace of recovery from the economic recession, the members of the association closed the year as a whole, by achieving outstanding results ensured Hungary to meet its EU environmental targets prescribed for waste recovery and its recycling. Aimed at further improving the domestic results on household selective waste collection, RECOMPLEX launches the most important campaign for environmental awareness to date entitled “Value for Waste-RECOMPLEX Enterprise National Competition on Waste Collection”
RECOMPLEX was founded in 2010 by 8 Hungarian leading organisations that play a key role in the domestic coordination of selective waste collection and recycling and in securing the achieving of the national environmental targets prescribed for 8 different types of material-turned-waste as they coordinate the flow, cycle of these types of materials. The aim was to simplify administrative bureaucracy for emitting enterprises concerning selective waste collection when complying with the environmental prescriptions and reporting obligations. RECOMPLEX's 2010 report submitted to the National Inspectorate for Environmental, Nature and Water Protection reveled the fact that the environmental targets imposed on selective waste collection for Hungary by the EU were exceeded and thus confirmed the key role played by the association in the field of domestic selective collection of waste.
Member enterprises of RECOMPLEX not only complied with the EU prescriptions imposed on Hungary for all of the types of materials, but even exceed the obligatory rates of recycling as imposed by the relevant regulations.
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