Magazine: On the threshold of successful years II.
What is the first thing on your mind in the morning? Saying hello to God. How much do you work a day? Minimum 10 hours. Where would you like to go the most? I would like to visit the great wine regions of the world. What are you the most proud of in life? My children. Which Taschner wine would you give to Miguel Torres as a present? Sparkling wine. How do you cope with failure? I leave it behind quickly but learn from it. What about beer? I like it but don’t drink it often. What kind of food do you like? Dishes with rice. Which is your favourite restaurant? Vadászkürt in Sopron and Csalogány 26 in Budapest. What would you like to taste the most? 99-point wines, very old Tokaji wines and 100-year-old champagnes. What is
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