Almost a quarter of a million sheep and goats were killed in Romania to control the plague of small ruminants

By: STA Date: 2024. 08. 05. 09:00

The plague of small ruminants (ppr) was first detected in Romania on July 17, and 37 active outbreaks of infection have been identified in the country, in which 218,000 sheep and goats have been killed, the Romanian Animal Health and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) announced on Thursday.

(Photo: Pixabay)

The infection is spreading mainly on the Black Sea coast, in Dobrudja (mainly in Tulcea County), where it appeared on 19 different-sized farms and 19 backyard farms and affected more than 206,000 animals, but in the western part of the country – in the immediate vicinity of the Serbian border, the located 150 kilometers from the Hungarian border – it was also detected in Nagyzsámon (Jamu Mare) in Temes County, where 12,500 sheep had to be killed.

In connection with the appearance of the infection in Romania, the ANSVSA renegotiated the conditions for the export of small ruminants with the target countries

Therefore, in addition to increased control of animals intended for export, Romania managed to export almost 73,000 additional sheep to Saudi Arabia and Jordan since the infection was confirmed. According to the statement of the veterinary health authority, economic operators have the decisive responsibility in curbing the ppr epidemic, because the infection is only spread by sick animals, so the main risk of introducing the disease is the importation of sick animals or animals without the necessary veterinary documents, sheep and goats irregular sale.

PPR is not dangerous for humans, but it is considered one of the most contagious diseases of small ruminants. The disease, which is accompanied by fever, runny eyes and nose, and often causes the death of the animal, broke out in Greece in the first half of July. The statistical office estimated Romania’s sheep and goat population at 11.7 million in December 2023.