Magazine: Roland faces the challenge in New York
Roland Oláh worked hard to earn himself a good reputation in Hungary and has been working in the United States since 2009. He regularly shared his experiences with us and now he not only feels that he made it in the USA, but also that he needs to take break from writing.
He says goodbye to our readers – hopefully not for good: ‘Unfortunately I cannot participate in Hoventa. In Martel things go on the beaten path but I have to work even more than before because first Eric was on holiday, then Marty left for France – it was only me who could not go to Hungary. Truth is that I do not have many things to say about life here as I really got used to life in the USA. I receive more and more acknowledging e-mails from Martel’s guests. I would like to congratulate all my colleagues who managed to qualify to the Hungarian final of Bocuse d’Or – do not get me wrong, I do not intend to hurt the feelings of anyone but I simply cannot imagine that this could happen anywhere else but Hungary. I hope that everyone will be happy for the winner. I can only hope my reports from the USA helped some young colleagues to set out and get to know the world. I was 32 when I left and I had many things to learn. I am glad to be here and to have achieved what I have achieved. Thank you very much for your kind attention – perhaps we will meet again some day on these pages.’ Good luck, Roland!
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