Participation in the 76th Novi Sad International Agriculture and Food Fair

By: trademagazin Date: 2009. 05. 06. 00:39

Agrármarketing Centrum in order to facilitate the expansion of the domestic food market, supports the presence of Hungarian companies on South East Europe's most prominent agricultural exhibition, the 76th Novi Sad International Agriculture and Food Fair.

The food fair will take place between 2009 May 9 and 16 in Novi Sad, Serbia. AMC and cooperating partners in Serbia, the Tisacoop d.o.o.importing firm will make possible the introduction to 16 Hungarian food manufacturers. On AMC's community stand mainly meat, dairy products, canned foods, frozen products and wines will be issued. Beside the exhibition in Novi Sad will be the „Delikatesno iz Mađarske” (Delicates from Hungary) campaign to encourage store sales in 5 megamarkets of the MERCATOR-RODA chain of stores in Subotica, Novi Sad, Nis and 2 stores in Belgrade, with the participation of more than a hundred food products.

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