FMCG ball 2011

- It is our pleasure to inform you that the traditional FMCG ball is to be held in the Baroque Hall of the Budapest History Museum, in Budavár Palace, on Saturday, 26 th February 2011. Program: 18.30-19.00 Arrival 19.00-19.30 Opening dance and greeting 19.30-20.15 Serving of hors d'oeuvre and soup 20.15-20.45 Entertainment program 20.45-21.45 Serving of [...]...

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FMCG ball 2010

- It is our pleasure to inform you that the traditional FMCG ball is to be held in the Baroque Hall of the Budapest History Museum, in Budavár Palace, on Saturday, 27th February 2010. Program: 18.30-19.00 Arrivals 19.00-19.30 Openinc dance and greeting 19.30-20.30 Serving of the hors d'oeuvre and soup 20.30-21.00 Entertainment program 21.00-22.00 Serving of [...]...

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FMCG ball 2009

- It is our pleasure to inform you that the first FMCG ball is to be held in the Baroque Hall of the Budapest History Museum, in Budavár Palace, on Saturday 28 th February 2009. Program: 18.30-19.00 Arrivals 19.00-19.30 Opening dance and greeting 19.30-20.30 Serving of hors d'oeuvre and soup 20.30-21.00 Entertainment program 21.00-22.00 Serving of [...]...

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(HU) TMK klubülés ONLINE – Piackutatóktól első kézből

15:00 - 17:30 - FIGYELEM, Trade Marketing Klub ONLINE! A jelenlegi helyzethez alkalmazkodunk és az április 23-i Trade Marketing Klubot online tartjuk meg. ...

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