Budapest Bank’s agricultural economic index rose to a record level

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2021. 07. 12. 11:14
Hungarian farmers have a positive view of the future. Budapest Bank’s latest agricultural economic index was 16 points, the highest value in the last 6 years, an increase of 20 points, compared to last year, but also 10 points compared to 2019, the bank told MTI on Monday .

Among the sub-indices, the index measuring the development of demand and expected success grew the most, and farmers see the change in sales prices as favorable for them in particular: 67 percent expect a further price increase this year. The so-called success sub-index rose by a plus 7 points in 2021 after minus 23 minus last year and minus 5 in 2019, and the demand sub-index rose from minus 1 in 2020 to plus 22 (In the pre-epidemic year in 2019 this indicator was plus 6 points). (MTI)

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