Danone and Ajinomoto have entered into a partnership to reduce the carbon emissions of the dairy industry

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 23. 11:40

Food companies Danone and Ajinomoto have entered into a strategic partnership agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the dairy industry, Reuters reported. The goal of the two companies is to reduce methane emissions from milk production, which, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is one of the main problems of animal husbandry. The main sources of methane emissions are manure management and the digestive processes of animals, such as belching by cows.

The collaboration between Ajinomoto and Danone is particularly significant after the world’s six largest dairy companies, including Danone, committed to actively participate in reducing methane emissions at the UN COP28 summit last year. The centerpiece of the partnership is an innovative product from Ajinomoto that is used in the digestive system of cows. It is estimated that this product can reduce nitrous oxide emissions from manure by up to 25% and when combined with a methane reducing additive can increase its effectiveness by up to 30%.

Jean-Yves Krummenacher, head of procurement at Danone, highlighted: “With partners like Ajinomoto, we are expanding the solutions we offer to dairy farmers. These not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also improve farmers’ margins and resilience.”

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