Both domestic agriculture and the countryside are strengthened in partnership
The government is a partner of farmers and rural enterprises, and works in alliance with the Hungarian countryside – said Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development of the Ministry of Agriculture, at the opening of the event called Új Lendület EXPO in Marcali on Saturday.

(Photo: AM/Tibor Vermes)
Zsolt Feldman emphasized that while there are several countries in Western Europe where serious conflicts have arisen between the government and the countryside, agriculture due to the reduction of agricultural benefits and the withdrawal of subsidies, the Hungarian agriculture and countryside can experience the exact opposite.
As an example, he mentioned that primary producers are helped by a significant tax discount, and the sales opportunities of small producers have expanded. The resources for rural development subsidies have been tripled, and even the smallest businesses can apply for help with their development and investment projects in 2024. In the past period, about 55,000 small and medium-sized enterprises received support from the Rural Development Program, and these resources helped them to survive and to create value, he explained. He emphasized: at the same time, the country will be able to really develop and move forward, and domestic businesses will also grow stronger if there is peace in the neighborhood. This is why it is necessary to consistently stand up for pro-peace positions. Zsolt Feldman, who is also the main patron of the event, considers it important that a small region or region, as well as their entrepreneurs, market players and producers, show their values to the locals, the country and the world. “This circle can be strengthened if we make it available to them. The revived Marcali expo now in Somogy county provides an excellent opportunity for this,” he added.
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