The Hungarian Reformed Charity Service distributes five hundred tons of potatoes before Easter

By: trademagazin Date: 2015. 04. 02. 11:10

Five hundred tons of seed and eating potatoes will be distributed by the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service nationwide before Easter.


So far, the donations were distributed in about 70 settlements in several counties, the last time in Kunmadaras – Szabó Dominika communications manager told MTI on Thursday.

Szabó Dominika said that Kunmadaras was the fourth stop of the donation distribution, where a total of twenty tons of potatoes were distributed in 14 municipalities that were Tiszabő, Kunhegyes, Tiszaszentimre, Tiszaderzs, Tiszagyenda, Abádszalók, Kenderes , Kunmadaras, Tiszaigar, Tiszaörs, Kisújszállás, Tiszabura Tiszaroff, Tiszaszőlős. (MTI)