Autumn wine muster in the Cathedral Square in Szeged

By: trademagazin Date: 2015. 09. 11. 11:10

The guests are awaited to an Autumn wine muster to the the Cathedral Square in Szeged, where more than one hundred wineries will present their masterpieces for five days – Németh István, the general manager of the Szegedi Városkép és Piac Kft. told at the site on Friday.


At the Bor Tér (Wine Square) Festival of Wine such famous producers offer their wines like Áts Károly whoearned the maximum 100 points from the Wine & Spirit Magazine with his 1999 Tokaji aszú essence or Tiffán Ede the first Winemaker of the Year title winner in 1991, or the winery of Gere Tamás or Zsolt, famous winemakers of the Villány wine region. (MTI)