The Hungarian store chains united: they challenged the price cap at the Constitutional Court

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 08. 23. 09:42

The multinational chain stores requested the Constitutional Court to annul the decree on the food price freeze. According to their complaint, there was not enough time to determine the prices of the products affected by the measure, the Pénzcentrum wrote.

Domestic store chains challenged the food price freeze at the Constitutional Court. In their joint constitutional complaint, the multinational food chains request that the government decrees fixing the official prices of the six basic foods be found to be unconstitutional, and that they be annulled retroactively to their promulgation.

The petitioners distributed 70-140 products within the official price product groups on October 15, 2021. Traders were given a total of two weeks to determine the price level of the products on October 15, 2021. According to the complaint, the legislator did not take into account how much work the transition would entail for companies with the largest commercial turnover within the product groups defined in the regulation.