Nyílt pályázat kreatív ügynökségeknek, grafikusoknak!

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 06. 30. 19:37

The winery of the Bonafarm Group, Csányi Pincészet Zrt., announces an open tender for creative agencies and freelance graphic designers.

Task: Design, graphic design – TELEKI wine brand portfolio redesign, rethinking of wine labels.


1st step

The tender application must be sent by email to viktoria.kesztyus@bonafarm.hu no later than July 17, 2023.

Step 2

Bonafarm will then notify the applicants and send a detailed application brief for the next round.

Planned start of cooperation: August 2023

All information provided during the tender is strictly confidential. Active contracts with the Winery’s competitors are not allowed. If you currently work for a competitor, be sure to name it.

Questions about the tender can be sent to the following email address: viktoria.kesztyus@bonafarm.hu; phone inquiries: +36 70 338 8516.

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