The Hungarian Biofuel Association issued a statement regarding the import ban

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 04. 26. 10:42

In response to the situation surrounding grain imports, the members of the Hungarian Biofuels Association (Hungrana Kft., Pannonia Bio Zrt., Rossi Biofuel Zrt.) formulate the following joint position regarding the import ban on fodder corn and oilseeds from Ukraine.

Last year’s drought presented great difficulties not only to farmers and livestock keepers, but also to the domestic grain processing industry. The former position as a corn exporter has suddenly turned around, the record low yields do not even cover domestic needs. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the supply practically ceased from the summer of 2022, as the farmers waited and did not offer the crop for sale. In addition, a serious problem is caused by the unusually high aflatoxin contamination of domestic corn, which makes a significant part of the crop unsuitable for use for food and feed purposes.

Biorefiners need quality corn and oilseeds 12 months a year. In the past period, due to the low supply on the domestic market and the large decrease in willingness to sell, only the import of these products enabled the continuous operation of the manufacturing industry. In other words, Hungarian processors had a basic need for the imported crops. What’s more, it’s not just for them: the products produced here are essential for meeting renewable energy goals, they strengthen the country’s position as an exporter and improve security of supply, as the GMO-free feed produced can replace imported soybeans.