Magazine: Consumer demand for better quality is growing
In the following article we discuss the sauce market using in the wider interpretation of the term ‘sauce product’ that involves salad dressings, special creams and flavoured horseradishes and mustards. – Import products flooded the country 10-15 years ago, but in recent years more people started buying Hungarian again – says Hans-Karl Koch, the managing director of Koch’s Torma Kft. Unfortunately, the average consumer spends less and less on this category. The premium segment is stable and cheap private label products are growing rapidly, but between the two levels there are few buyers and many manufacturers. Estimation is that the domestic market of branded condiments values around HUF 20 billion. The majority of consumers only look at the price tag, but some of them are looking for healthy, innovative products. Slowly but steadily new flavours are conquering consumers and thanks to this phenomenon there will be more high-quality products available. Manufacturers’ task is to adapt to this new situation with developing even better premium quality products.
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