Unemployment grow in Hungary
In the period of December 2007–February 2008, the number of employed people was 3,855 thousand and the number of unemployed people was 337 thousand, which meant an nemployment rate of 8.0 percent.
In the given period, 54.3 percent of
the population aged 15–74 years, 61.2 percent of that aged 15–64
years and 63.8 percent of population at working age were present in
the labour market.
The average number of employed people
aged 15–74 years was 3 million 855 thousand, almost 72 thousand less than in the same period
of the previous year. The employment rate calculated for age-group
15–64, which is used in international comparisons, was 56.3
percent, one percentage point less than the year before.
In December 2007–February 2008, the
number of unemployed people was 337 thousand, while the unemployment rate was 8.0 percent. The
unemployment was higher with 0.6 percentage point than the year
before. (Harmonized unemployment rate for January, the middle month
of the period, calculated on the basis of the dynamics of the
registered unemployment data and published by Eurostat: EU-15: 7.1
percent; EU-27: 7.1 percent; Hungary: 7.2 percent.)
18.6 percent of unemployed people
belonged to the 15–24 age-group being underrepresented in the labour market. For this age-group
unemployment rate has increased to 20.5 percent.
44.9 percent of unemployed people have
been searching for a job for one year or a longer time. The average duration of unemployment was
16.4 months.
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