The number of foreign tourists increased in the first quarter of 2011
In the first quarter of 2011, 1 percent more foreign tourists visited Hungary (7.6 million), than in the same period of 2010 – reports the Central Statistical Office. Foreigners spent a total of 16.6 million days in Hungary, which is also 1 percent higher than last year's level.
The foreign consumption in Hungary was 208 billion HUF (808 million euros), which is 4 percent less than a year earlier. Nearly two thirds (131 billion HUF) related to tourism consumptions. At the same time the Hungarians traveling abroad spent 133 billion HUF, 9 percent more than in 2010 January-March. The balance at the end of the period was 75 billion forints, 21 percent less than the first quarter of 2010 – reports the Central Statistical Office (KSH).
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