Hotelstars became a national trademark
Hotelstars hotel rating system run by the Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ), became a national trade mark. The strategic agreement on the issue was signed on Tuesday by Szatmáry Kristóf, Secretary of State at the National Economy Ministry (NGM) and by Kopócsy Andrea, president of the association.
The new trademark was given to the hotels by MSZÉSZ and NGM together. Szatmáry Kristóf told: an EU directive will require Hungary, that instead of the existing compulsory certification, to rate the accommodations with a national trademark.
According to Szatmáry Kristóf, the application of the Hotelstars is a significant step in the creation of a national trade mark system. It allows the hotels in Hungary to join to a European system that helps the development of tourism. (MTI)
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