Hungarians are a bit more eager to buy
A Nielsen survey in the third quarter found that 72 percent of Hungarian consumers think Hungary is in economic recession. Willingness to buy is smaller than the European average but it improved from the second quarter, when 75 percent thought Hungary’s economy was in recession. From the continent’s 31 countries surveyed in 12 states more than three quarters of participants said their country was in a crisis economically. This proportion was the highest, 96 percent in Italy and Croatia. In Hungary 33 percent of participants don’t have any money they can spend freely – the European average was 19 percent. Those Hungarians who have some money left were asked what they spend it on: 27 percent said they save it, 23 refurbish their flat, 22 percent pay back loans, 21 buy new clothes, 18 percent go out or on holiday and 16 percent buy various electronic devices.
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