After a difficult start, the redemption system is expanding: what is the situation now?

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 11. 11:41

Stores and consumers have expressed several criticisms of the recently introduced redemption system. The National Trade Association (OKSZ) highlighted three main problems: improper operation of IT systems, logistical disruptions and deficiencies in the supply of equipment. The MOHU responsible for the new system admits that the implementation is a learning process, but they are constantly expanding their capacities to meet the needs.

MOHU’s goal is to have a RePont available in every settlement with a population of over 1,000 people, and they have already doubled their logistics capacity since the launch. The redemption system is now capable of processing 7 million bottles per day, and more stores may join in the future. Regarding the operation and speed of the vending machines, the MOHU emphasizes that inserting the beverage packages one by one is an international standard and is necessary for the proper functioning of the vending machines.

Improvements are also promised in relation to logistical problems: waste delivery will be continuously increased so that retailers can get rid of the collected bottles more quickly. The company plans further developments in the future to make the system more efficient and smooth.
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