Three out of four Hungarians only taste flawless fruit

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 30. 11:43

There are still people who throw away food without remorse – STADA points out on the occasion of World Food Waste Day on September 29. Based on the data of the representative survey carried out in the framework of STADA’s Seedling Program, we mostly throw away baked goods, ready meals, then vegetables and fruits, and the majority are not creative when it comes to the use of leftovers. It is surprising that three quarters of Hungarians think that only flawless vegetables and fruits can be delicious. With their Seedling Program, among other things, they want to draw the attention of kindergarteners and, through them, their families, to the value of food. This autumn, they will visit the Zuglói Egyesített Óvoda, where they will also perform renovations in addition to educational performances.

Every 10th Hungarian throws away food quite often, and nearly 70 percent occasionally. Women pay more attention to avoiding food waste, but among them, only one in four respondents never throws food away, according to the data of a representative survey conducted in the framework of STADA’s Seedling Program. Currently, baked goods, ready meals and vegetables and fruit end up in the bin most often.

Make food a value – STADA’s Seedlin

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