Nébih: the mints were excellent at Szupermenta

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 08. 29. 10:54

A total of ten pot mints intended for direct consumption were examined in the latest test of Süpermenta. The product test ended with a reassuring result, all mints met the requirements – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informed MTI on Thursday.

The experts collected the eight Hungarian and two Italian plants from two domestic producers, as well as a horticulture and a larger commercial unit. In terms of their variety, in addition to the well-known peppermint and spearmint, the comparative study also included cultivated versions, so one apple, lemon, chocolate, Moroccan, orange and chewing mint were also tested.

In Nébih’s laboratory, the experts checked the possible presence of pesticide residues and heavy metals, as these reveal if the plants were grown in inappropriate conditions. The micro and macro elements in mints were also investigated.

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