NAK- FruitVeB: the competitiveness of greenhouse vegetable production has increased

By: STA Date: 2025. 03. 10. 11:00

In recent years, thanks to support schemes and favorable credit opportunities, modern developments have been implemented in the field of greenhouse vegetable production. As a result of the investments, the production of greenhouse tomatoes, peppers and snake cucumbers has increased significantly – this was revealed in the joint overview published by the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Interprofessional Organization (FruitVeB) on Monday.

(Photo: Pixabay)

The competitiveness of domestic greenhouse vegetable production has increased significantly. Thanks to the investments, the production area has also expanded. In the case of greenhouse tomatoes, the production area has increased by approximately 110 hectares, now exceeding 310 hectares. Of the 150-160 thousand tons produced, 75-80 percent of the tomatoes are berry and cluster types, the rest are cherry and cocktail tomatoes. Domestic producers can supply the domestic market with cocktail and cherry tomatoes from April to October, and from the beginning of April, the production volume of cluster tomatoes increases so much that the domestic market can no longer absorb it, which is why exports last until September – the overview shows.

Farmers are engaged in greenhouse pepper cultivation on 1,114 hectares, and the annual harvest reaches 140 thousand tons

The turnover of so-called filling (tv) peppers has increased significantly in recent years, and the demand for large, colorful and sweet peppers is also growing noticeably, of which domestic production is still relatively small. The sector is making serious efforts to develop the cultivation of colorful pepper types, especially kápia peppers or pritamin peppers. The surface area of ​​​​planted cucumbers has doubled in the last 8 years, and its yield has increased 2.5 times. Currently, about 120 hectares are under mostly modern cucumber cultivation and more than 40,000 tons are produced – including NAK and FruitVeB.


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