The juicy and healthy watermelon is produced on a larger area
Over the past 20 years, the melon-growing area decreased dramatically. After the low point of 2011, production rises. It is estimated that production ongoes on a 10 percent larger area of about 5600 hectares this year. Almost half of the crop is produced in Békés county, in Medgyesegyháza and its surroundings. Significant production can be found also in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and Baranya counties.
The Hungarian melon has a great aroma and is a juicy fruit. The soils of Békés county, and the a number of sunshine hours provide an excellent combination of growing conditions, that cannot be found at other parts of the world – was said at the watermelon varieties and technology demonstration of the Syngenta Kft. in Medgyesegyháza.
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