István Nagy: the agriculture ministers of the frontline countries jointly requested in Brussels the extension of the import ban until the end of the year

By: STA Date: 2023. 07. 25. 09:00

The head of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture reported on his social media page what he requested from the European Union together with several ministers of agriculture.

(Photo: Facebook)

Together with the agricultural ministers of the frontline countries, we requested in Brussels that the import ban be extended until the end of the year. – István Nagy wrote. – In addition, it is important to improve the functioning of the Solidarity Corridors and restore their original purpose. The problem remains that the cost of land transport is very high. An effective solution for this could be if the EU would provide progressive financial support for transport costs that takes into account the transport distance. This makes it possible to transport Ukrainian grain by land to European ports, and from there on to where it is really needed – continued the Minister of Agriculture.

 Ukrainian grain must reach its destination

It is important that Ukrainian agricultural products return to their traditional export markets and reach third countries in need. That is why it is necessary to ensure that the Ukrainian products delivered to European ports actually reach developing third countries. Otherwise, a situation could easily arise where products from Ukraine remain in Europe, crops produced in Europe become unsellable, and developing countries acquire their needs from Russia. – concluded István Nagy.
