Why is headache more expensive on a Sunday?

By: trademagazin Date: 2006. 11. 20. 08:00

Gyorgy Vamos of National Trade Association was arguing very strongly for the opening of the drug-market on the pages of Népszabadság. In his article published in mid-October he was reasoning, in our opinion, with vehemence quite unusual for him.
The stake is high: pharmacists are trying to prohibit that non-prescription drugs are sold in food-stores. Druggists’ fears are well-grounded since by loosing their monopoly in selling non-prescription drugs their sales might drop. Our economy, however, is a market economy, and competition is the engine of development. The product group in question represents a 3.7% share in the HUF 7830 billion turnover of the domestic retail trade. “The question might be asked why it is profitable for traders to sell drugs, considering the extra costs entailed,” writes Gyorgy Vamos. In his opinion the main motive of retailers is trying to satisfy customers. He considers that opening of the market would enable customers to have access to non-prescription drugs easily and at any time. Comparing the interests on both sides, we see on the one hand that 2100 pharmacies would like to retain their privilege, while on the other hand consumers would like to have access to drugs easily, see lower prices and higher quality services.

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