The 2012 Annual Awards Ceremony of the Hungarian Franchise Association took place on 24 January

By: trademagazin Date: 2013. 01. 29. 12:00

The Hungarian Franchise Association’s Awards Ceremony was held on 24 January at the LARUS Restaurant and conference center.

The gala dinner of the Awards Ceremony is the domestic franchise industry's most prestigious event which is held at the beginning of each year. At the Gala Awards ceremony many prizes were awarded to representatives of the domestic franchise industry.

The domestic Franchise Network of 2012: Coop
The Master Franchise Network of the Year: High Care Cosmetics network.
The Marketing Award of 2012: BioHair franchise network.
The Innovative Franchise Network of the Year: Otthon Centrum Franchising Kft.
Internet Media and Web Award of the Year: Duna House network
The Most Dynamically Developing Franchise Network of the Year: the ALPHAZOO chain.
Franchise Recipient of the Year Award: Dr. Baltásné Sáfrány Beáta the franchisee partner of Herbária Ltd.
Succesful, Young Recipient of the Year:  Molnár Tamás and Horváth Attila the recipients of the Otthon Centrum, and Zsigmond Balázs, franchise recipient of the Duna House.

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