Temporary rules for the introduction and movement of poultry have been published
Due to the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza, the national chief veterinarian has ordered new epidemic prevention measures starting from March 24, 2023 until withdrawn.

(Photo: Pixabay)
In the non-restricted areas of the counties of Bács-Kiskun, Csongrád-Csanád and Békés, replanting, i.e. planting in the place of the stock eradicated due to bird flu infection, may be permitted:
– in the case of non-waterfowl poultry, following an official on-site inspection with favorable results,
– in the case of waterfowl poultry, even after a favorable official on-site inspection, only in the event that the farm is only transported to a slaughterhouse for immediate slaughter.
In all cases, the official inspection must cover the inspection of the instructions, waiting times, delivery prohibitions and other restrictions on the price of litter and liquid fertilizer.
The most important criteria for allowing reinstallation:
– re-installation is only possible from the 21st day after the end of the final disinfection carried out in accordance with the regulations (two disinfections with an interval of one week) at the earliest,
– authorization must be preceded in all cases by an official veterinary check-list and a detailed report drawn up on the basis of it,
– the prerequisite for the start of the official on-site inspection is the presence of an installation application with content that complies with the regulations, as well as the final disinfection protocol,
– Professionally performed final disinfection is a basic condition for permitting re-installation, re-installation cannot be permitted in the event of any deficiency!
If the final disinfection protocol is not acceptable, or if the cleaning and disinfection are not adequate based on the official on-site inspection, a replanting permit cannot be issued.
In such a case, the authority can make two decisions:
– orders re-cleaning and final disinfection, the results of which can be reviewed after 30 days – in accordance with the procedure still in force.
– if, due to well-founded reasons, cleaning and final disinfection cannot be carried out in accordance with the rules of the profession, replanting can be permitted if 3 months have passed since the preliminary disinfection and, based on the risk analysis, the spread of the bird flu virus is minimal.
BTT’s consent is not required to allow reinstallation
After reintroduction, the stock must be placed under official surveillance for 21 days, which includes an on-site inspection by the official veterinarian and a laboratory test before the surveillance is lifted.
Conditions for moving poultry:
– In the areas of Bács-Kiskun, Csongrád-Csanád and Békés counties not affected by restrictions due to avian influenza, sampling within 72 hours before transporting waterfowl to the slaughterhouse is mandatory.
– Sampling within 72 hours before transporting waterfowl (with the exception of daylilies) to a new holding place according to the technology (for rearing, stuffing, fattening, breeding, etc.) is mandatory throughout the country in areas that are not subject to restrictions.
– In each case, it is necessary to remove 20 tracheal and 20 cloacal swabs, i.e. sampling 40 animals.
– A favorable result of the above-mentioned tests is always a prerequisite for starting the shipment.
– Sampling before the release of captive birds (e.g. pheasants) is not necessary.
Legal background of resettlement:
• 143/2007. § 47 of the FVM Decree, IV of the Avian Influenza Preparedness Plan. Part 18
• Article 57 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/687
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