The Retail Top List 2009 is out now!
Tesco, CBA and Coop was the ranking in 2009
Nielsen’s 2009 ranking shows that Tesco is the food and chemical product retailer with the highest turnover, followed by CBA and Coop. Just like a year earlier, Spar and Reál come next in the ranking. This is one of the findings in Nielsen’s 2009 ranking, which is based on information from the companies and Nielsen’s estimates.
Tesco’s turnover was HUF 638.4 billion – they had realised HUF 602 billion in the previous year. CBA’s turnover was HUF 547.5 billion and Co-op performed at HUF 510 billion. The latter two did slightly better than last year.
According to data from the end of last year, Tesco operates 172 stores, out of which 102 are hypermarkets. The company’s retail network is expanding; last year Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. opened 13 new hyper- and 17 new supermarkets. Apparently they are following a multi-channel concept, just like Spar.
Second in the ranking is CBA, which runs 3,054 stores, 3rd-place Coop has 5,250 and 5th
-place Reál operates 2,320 units – altogether they have more than 10,500 stores. These three Hungarian-owned chains represent more than half of the total Hungarian food retail network.
Spar is ranked 4th on the list and it is one of the driving forces behind the concentration process. Spar’s annual turnover was HUF 397.4 billion, up by 6 percent from the HUF 374.2 billion in 2009. The Interspar store network expanded, but the company also incorporated Plus discount stores and opened new units.
Auchan’s turnover grew by 2 percent and reached HUF 226.3 billion, taking over the sixth place in the ranking from Metro.
Discount stores were the winners of the past period, according to Nielsen’s estimate the joint annual turnover of Lidl, Penny Market, Aldi and Profi had been HUF 379.3 billion in 2008, which increased by 14 percent to HUF 430.8 billion in 2009.
As for their ranking, Lidl and Penny Market kept their position. With 13 new stores, Aldi (now they have 58 altogether) changed last year’s 15th position to the 13th. Nielsen estimates Aldi’s turnover to be 2.5 times higher than in the previous one-year period. They entered the Hungarian market in April 2008 and have been following a robust expansion policy ever since.
– Food retail keeps concentrating along the lines of consumer demand. Nielsen’s consumer research revealed that shopping efficiency is becoming increasingly important. Most Hungarian consumers’ main priority in choosing a store is finding everything they need in the same store, quickly and easily – added Judit Tóth Szalókyné, Nielsen’s director.
You can read more about the 2009 performance of retail companies and the top list in the April issue of Trade magazin.
You can order the poster version of the top list in a printed or electronic format by writing an e-mail to or you can also download it from
Best Regards
Zsuzsanna HERMANN
Editor in Chief
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