The meatless version of the iconic IKEA hot dog has arrived

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 08. 17. 11:53

The IKEA hot dog has been a well-deserved reward for visitors after shopping for 40 years now, and a modern, meat-free version is now also available. The alternative hot dog is the newest member of IKEA’s plant-based product line, which will be available in all three IKEA stores in Bistroja from August 15. Those who want to prepare the plant-based delicacy at home will soon be able to buy the product in the Swedish Delicacy Shop.

“IKEA’s mission is to create a better everyday life, and we contribute to that with delicious, healthier and more sustainable food through our restaurant business,” said Helene von Reis, head of restaurants at IKEA of Sweden. With affordable meat-free hot dogs, IKEA encourages customers to eat plant-based foods. “We would like to offer as many meat-free alternatives as possible, since plant-based foods usually have a smaller ecological footprint than their animal-based versions”

Helene von Reis added.

One of the biggest challenges during the development process was getting the plant-based hot dog to have a texture similar to the classic IKEA hot dog. The outer layer of hot dog sausages made of meat usually crackles when bitten, so creating this experience was also in focus when creating the meat-free version.