McDonald’s to double number of McCafés in Austria
Currently, around 50 of 162 McDonald’s units in Austria have the McCafé format. Company plans by the end of 2009 to have 100.
McDonald’s Austria has launched new packaging which includes
nutritional information, one of the first markets to have introduced it outside
the US. This year, McDonald’s Austria would open five-to-ten new restaurants
and an additional 50 McCafes, remodel an additional 60 restaurants and employ
an additional 500 people at a cost of 42 million Euros.
McDonald’s-Austria spokeswoman Barbara Taussig-Schiebel said
the McCafes provided "a strategic expansion" of items on offer at
McDonald’s. She claimed the chain’s coffee shops would enjoy annual growth of
up to 15 per cent over the next few years and appeal to new target groups such
as young mothers and pensioners.
Last year, the firm raised its turnover by 11 per cent to
406 million Euros, opened 50 new McCafes and modernised 32 restaurants at a
cost of 25 million Euros.
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