The Hungarian onions are still the most popular
The harvest of onions in the EU was 18 percent higher (5.8 million tonnes) in 2014 than a year earlier. In the Netherlands, the onion-growing area and the average yield per hectare increased to 58 tonnes, while the yield rose by nine percent to 1.3 million tonnes. In Germany, the onion harvest increased by 23 percent to half a million tonnes in 2014.
In Hungary 57-60 thousand tonnes of onion was grown in the past three years on 2 to 2.3 thousand hectares. In the farms tested by the Statistical Department of the Agricultural Research Institute, the onion crop decreased by 14 percent to 48 thousand tonnes in 2014, compared to the previous year’s harvest. The onion exports increased by 44 percent (1.65 thousand tonnes), primarily towards Romania. (by our colleague)
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