The Nébih interface for e-GN submission can now be tested

By: STA Date: 2023. 02. 10. 09:00

Nébih provides an interface for the submission of the electronic management diary (e-GN), which thus enables the direct submission of data from the farmers’ farm management software.

(Photo: Pixabay)

The “connection request” form and the detailed documentation of the interface are available on the Nébih API service page.

Nébih first gives access to the test system during the development that provides the possibility of direct data submission

Users will receive the API token required for testing, as well as the token belonging to test users, after submitting the completed “connection request” form. Access to the live system can be granted after a successful test period. In the case of e-GN, it has not been possible to send data directly through the interface until now. With the current development, Nébih has made this service available, which hopefully means considerable help and a reduction in the administrative burden for users.


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