Fast food is already a luxury for Hungarians

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 05. 28. 10:41

The prices of fast food have increased significantly in recent times, leading consumers to treat these foods as luxury items and consume them less frequently. According to a recent survey, the majority of respondents no longer consider this type of food to be part of their basic diet. In Hungary, for example, the price of fast food menus has increased by more than 33%, which places a significant burden on consumers.

The Big Mac index, published by the Economist, provides an interesting insight into the economic situation of each country, since, based on the index, different amounts of hamburgers can be bought in different countries from local salaries. In the United States, for example, prices have almost doubled in recent years.

According to research conducted by LendingTree, 78% of American adults consider fast food a luxury, and 62% are eating less of it because of rising prices. Furthermore, 65% of respondents are shocked by price increases, which highlights that eating fast food is increasingly a matter of financial considerations.

According to the survey, cooking at home is not a realistic alternative for three quarters of the participants, which emphasizes the complexity and financial implications of eating fast food. The increase in prices therefore poses a serious challenge to fast food restaurants, as fewer and fewer people can afford this type of meal on a regular basis.

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