Hungary ranks among the leaders in Europe in terms of solar energy production

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 30. 11:20

Hungary belongs to the European leader in that – under suitable weather conditions – more than nine-tenths of the electricity consumption is due to solar peak production – reads the Facebook post published by the Ministry of Energy on Sunday.

A third of EU member states are able to cover up to four-fifths of their current electricity demand with solar energy. In Greece and the Netherlands, during the “brightest hours”, the solar power plants not only reach the level of current needs, but sometimes even exceed it, they said.

Az uniós tagállamok egyharmada képes arra, hogy a pillanatnyi áramigénye akár több mint négyötödét napenergiával fedezze. Görögországban és Hollandiában a “legderűsebb órákban” a naperőművek nemcsak elérik az aktuális szükségletek szintjét, hanem azt időnként meg is haladják – tudatták.

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