Magazine: We like to go shopping on Sundays

By: trademagazin Date: 2011. 08. 12. 11:40

A nationwide survey conducted by TNS Hoffmann revealed that 48 percent of Hungarians, 1.9 million families go shopping on Sundays. On average they spend HUF 12,500-15,000 per occasion, which means that the annual turnover generated by Sunday shoppers could amount to a hundred billion forints. TNS Hoffmann’s strategic planning director Ádám Jüttner told us that significant changes would occur on both consumer and retailer side if shops were forced to remain closed on Sundays. 65 percent of people in the 18-35 age group shop on Sundays and 54 percent of those between the ages of 36 and 55 also like to visit the shops on the last day of the week. 45 percent of Sunday shoppers spend more than an hour in-store and go with their families. When asked about the Sunday closing law, 59 percent of Sunday shoppers said they rejected it. 53 percent of those who shop alone, 61 percent of those who bring others and 67 percent of those go shopping with their children were against the law

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