Magazine: Clean for everyone
– Hygiene is an important factor in the life of the modern man, even more so in our globalised age when one can reach any place on planet Earth in just 36 hours – says Hans Georg Hagleitner, the owner of Hagleitner Hygiene Hungary Kft. According to him, economic fluctuations shouldn’t be allowed to influence hygienic – and safety – needs. Despite this Attila Galló, Ho-Re-Ca manager with Tork experiences a constant lowering of quality in Hungarian catering, with demand for the cheapest products growing. He opines that at least 80 percent of bar and restaurant owners use napkins and toilet room accessories which are one or two categories lower in quality than the services offered by the given place would require. László Orbán, managing director of CWS-boco Hungary Kft. told our magazine that demand for hygiene products in Hungary is driven by price, unlike in Western Europe where toilet rooms of bars or restaurants are equipped in a fashion that communicates the character of the place. Antal Nagy, managing director of Brilliance Kft. shares the view that often cheaper products turn out to be expensive because they are less economical. Márta Kassay, managing director of Sanodor Kft. told Trade magazin that in the field of hygiene major cost cutting is taking place in both the hotel and the catering sector; most of the time owners only use solutions that meet the minimum standards. Judit Miljanic T, the representative of Dyson Airblade hand dryer distributor Momenti Hungary Kft., senses some kind of change in the attitude of bar and restaurant owners. According to her, a growing number of owners not only focus on quality but on environmental issues too. Mr Orbán added that customers decide what to buy based on quality, reliability, environmental factors and design. Mr Hagleitner’s philosophy is that customers need to be inspired to use innovative hygiene. Ms Kassay thinks that many prefer conventional solutions because they simply choose the products they know well. Mr Nagy’s view is that when it comes to buying customers don’t consider any other criteria than price. Mr Galló told us that many bar and restaurant owners are struggling to stay in the business, therefore they try to keep costs as low as possible. Still, they mustn’t forget that they shouldn’t only wait for guests with quality food and drinks, but also with hygienic toilet rooms.